
Monday, August 31, 2009

Looking very dapper...

Anderson and I had a "lawn games"  (bocce ball and crocket) party to go to this weekend.  The attire was dresses/sun hats for ladies and slacks/jackets for gentlemen.  Anderson had this super cute jacket that I bought him a while back on the sale rack at Gymboree.  He looked fabulous!!  We had a great time too...thanks for the yummy food and drinks Hatten's and Tebb's!!  

At the party, Anderson tried some Gerber Graduates Lil Crunchies for the first time...what a funny face!  I gave them again to him today and he loved them.  I guess it just takes a bit to get used to a new taste.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Grass poop!?!?

Our neighbors, Peter and Judy, snapped these great photos of Anderson. Peter saw him sitting in the grass and said that he "had to get some pictures" of him. It's nice to have a professional photographer as a neighbor! Thanks Peter and Judy!

Anderson LOVES sitting in the grass. The other day when Brad and I were tossing the frisbee back and forth and Anderson was sitting in the grass Brad noticed that he had some grass in his hands. We didn't think much of it till Brad found grass in his poop yesterday!! So funny!! A little roughage doesn't hurt...does it?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Anderson has been so excited to play in his exersaucer. He really gets into it...pushing all of the buttons, jumping up and down, and giggling. When I came home from work today Brad showed me how he was loving one of the sounds on his exersaucer where kids are laughing. The sound comes out of the car...there are three sounds in a row. The third sound is kids laughing and everytime it got to this sound Anderson would start giggling too. Of course, I had to get it on video...

Saturday, August 22, 2009

He's growing up...and sitting up...

Now that Anderson can sit up he has access to so much more.  We went to the park today with my friend, Renee, and her two kids, Reece (4) and Eva (2).  They are so sweet to Anderson.  He loves hanging out and watching them.  I put Anderson in the swing at the park.  I think he liked it.  He  was just chillin... He also loved sitting in the sand while I poured it over his legs and toes. 

   Anderson has been loving the blocks too!  He and Brad have a fun game they play...Anderson starts laughing when he knocks them over and Brad says "whoop" or something like that.  I tried to replicate it but wasn't getting quite the response that Brad gets.  Still  cute though.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Anderson started eating puffs several days ago.  I don't think he's ever quite sure if he's got one into his mouth or cute!  What in the world are puffs, you ask?  Don't worry...I didn't know until I bought and tried them a couple of days ago.  They appear to be cereal but surprisingly they melt away in your mouth.  Perfect for babies that have no teeth yet!  

It's crazy all the silly names for things (that of course you must have) for babies...bumbo, boppy, puffs, robeez, bjorn, nuks, and the list goes on.  It's a whole other world!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Anderson is very close to crawling!! Right now he's got the dive forward technique down...pretty exciting! Check it out...

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming...

As I said, it was blazing hot when we were in Seattle last week. They hit and surpassed several record high temps. My mom set up a little kiddy pool in her front yard for "Anderson" and shortly after getting there Anderson and Brad were relaxing in the pool.

Doesn't he look cool in his sunglasses!?!

Friday, August 7, 2009


This past weekend Brad rode in another long bike race called RAMROD (Ride Around Mt Rainier - One Day). The race started and ended in Enumclaw, WA and was 160 miles!! We flew into Seattle late on Wednesday night...Brad got about 4 hours of sleep and then, at 4:30am, my dad drove him to the race start and he started riding at 6:00am. He finished at around 6:15pm!! That's 12 hours of riding! Pretty amazing!! He said he felt great at the end of the race but that it was a long kidding!!

This is his cheering section...Anderson, me, Suanne (Brad's mom), Grandma Tracy, and Tom (my dad). Oh...I forgot to mention that it was 97 degrees that day...HOT!!!

I snapped some cute pictures of Anderson while we were waiting...

Anderson and Great Grandma Tracy...she was visiting my family in Gig Habor and drove up with my dad to watch Brad finish the race. It was the first time Anderson had met her. Grandma Tracy has 23 great grandchildren!!!

Brad, after the race, with his good friend Matt Willis and Matt's friend Josh. The three of them rode most of the race together.

This is how Brad got his bike from Denver to Seattle...he had to rent a bike box. He removed both wheels, pedals, and handle bars.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The Joshua School

The Joshua School was in the Denver Post today! Check out the article...http://