Anderson and I flew back to Seattle for an 1o day trip to meet all of his great grandparents, great aunties and uncles, and good friends. I was very anxious and nervous to fly with Anderson (and without Brad...he had to stay home and work). However, Anderson did great. We flew in the evening so he fell asleep in my arms. Below are some highlights of the trip...
We got to spend Father's Day with my dad and family at his house. Anderson got to go on his first boat ride with Uncle Jim and somehow we talked my dad in to letting me shave all his hair off.
It looks really good!! And I think he's going to keep it this way!!
Anderson got to meet some of his great grandparents. He has 7 great grandma's and 3 great grandpa's!!

Great Grandpa and Grandma Lemon

Great Grandpa and Grandma Clark

Grandma Gregory and Great Grandma Hinton (or Grandma Great)
Anderson finally got to meet his Uncle TC...he was a little scared at first but who wouldn't be (just kidding TC!!). TC feed Anderson, played with him, and even helped give Anderson a bath!! I think TC liked Anderson as much as Anderson liked Uncle TC!!

Anderson and Uncle TC
We spent a day up north in the Bellingham area visiting some family and also my friend, Shannon and her family. Shannon and I have been very close friends since the 7th grade. She is like a sister to me!! Her first son, Nolan, is almost 3 and she just had her second son, Logan. Logan and Anderson are only 11 weeks apart. Maybe they'll be best friends like their mommy's!?!?

Logan (8 weeks) and Anderson (4 1/2 months)
We spent one week with Grandma Shorty and Grandpa Mark. Anderson sure loves his Grandma!! Anderson played and played! He loved looking at Grandpa Mark's feet for some, my mom drew a smiley face on the bottom of Mark's sock and Anderson was glued onto "Mr. Sock"!! It was hilarious!

Anderson and Grandma Shorty
My mom also had a huge BBQ with lots of family. Anderson got to meet Hayden, his cousin and we snapped this adorable photo. Anderson's eyes were locked onto everything Hayden was doing. And it was so precious to watch Hayden interact with Anderson. Hayden's going to be a big brother soon so it was good practice for him.

Hayden (3 1/2 years) and Anderson (4 1/2 months)
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