Halloween was a lot of fun this year. Anderson was really into picking out his costume for the first time and I got my craft on by sewing a bow on one of Anderson's old costumes for Adeline (I know...just a bow...but I'm impressed with myself when I re-attach a button). We hit up the 35th Ave businesses and then did a couple of blocks around the house. Grandma Suanne and Grandpa Mark both came over to watch the little goblins collect their feast. Adeline was clueless but by the end understood that she was supposed to grab something, put it in the pumpkin, and say thank you...so stinkin' cute!! Anderson was so very polite and after he got the treat and said thank you, he would say "Have a very happy Halloween". Such a charmer!
Monkey and Ninja
We met up with some friends on 35th Ave...Adeline is obsessed with her buddy, Max. It's no wonder why...he's superman!!
As if the candy collected wasn't enough, Grandma Suanne brought over Halloween cupcakes for each of the kids too. Adeline LOVED it!
Anderson with his loot!! He was very generous with sharing too.