Halloween was a lot of fun this year. Anderson was really into picking out his costume for the first time and I got my craft on by sewing a bow on one of Anderson's old costumes for Adeline (I know...just a bow...but I'm impressed with myself when I re-attach a button). We hit up the 35th Ave businesses and then did a couple of blocks around the house. Grandma Suanne and Grandpa Mark both came over to watch the little goblins collect their feast. Adeline was clueless but by the end understood that she was supposed to grab something, put it in the pumpkin, and say thank you...so stinkin' cute!! Anderson was so very polite and after he got the treat and said thank you, he would say "Have a very happy Halloween". Such a charmer!
Monkey and Ninja
We met up with some friends on 35th Ave...Adeline is obsessed with her buddy, Max. It's no wonder why...he's superman!!
As if the candy collected wasn't enough, Grandma Suanne brought over Halloween cupcakes for each of the kids too. Adeline LOVED it!
Anderson with his loot!! He was very generous with sharing too.
It has been a very busy summer for me...I'm sorta waiting for a summer when I don't say that at the end of August! Between family, work, and friends I have felt like I'm don't know whether I'm coming or going. But, all is starting to calm down and this morning I have a couple minutes before the kids wake up to catch up on some things.
I am about 1 month behind in posting all the fun things we did this summer. Back on the last weekend of July we (me, Anderson, and Adeline) went camping with Jane, my dad, and Jen + kids on Bainbridge Island. It was so beautiful and fun for the kids to spend time with cousins and Grandpa Tracy. I was pretty impressed with myself and Jen...tackling camping without our husbands. Thanks to Jane for the invite...looking forward to it again next year...when the kids are a little older and they can all sleep in Maggie with you two...haha!! We wouldn't do that do you!
Kids playing at the beach
Anderson wanted to take a picture of us...pretty good!
This one kinda cracks me up...
This might be the only picture of all 4 kids together from the entire 2.5 weeks there were out here....at least all of them are there and eyes are open!
Pretty amazing! Adeline loved the sand.
See Mt. Rainier in the backdrop?? Such a cool picture.
Little Gray-man in deep thought...
At the campfire...Jane and Grandpa Tracy cooked up some pretty awesome meals!
In July, we ran in the Northwest Passage - Ragnar. It was the second time for me and Brad's third go round. As it's been in the past, it was the most fun we've had doing a race. This year we recruited my sister, Jen, for the second time and one of my closest friends, Ashley. Nothing like spending 36 hours in a sweaty SUV with close friends and family!
Here's how it works...there is a 12 person team. The team breaks into 6 person vehicles. Each person on the team runs 3 legs in the relay. The people in each vehicle run one leg then meet up with the other vehicle so that each of those runners can run a leg. So it's a good amount of running, a lot of cheering on teammates, and a little sleep!
Here are some pictures from the race...enjoy! Also, a big thank you to Grandma Suanne for watching the little munchkins while we race across part of the state! Love you!
In July we went camping with our friends at Skokomish Park on Lake Cushman. It was so beautiful...and, if I'm being honest, a little like herding cats. Ha! Between nap times, snack times, play times, meal times, and bed times we somehow got in a bit of time to reconnect with friends. The highlight of the weekend was watching all the kids play, so hard, all weekend with sticks...no toys, no TV...just sticks. With all the herding going on, I barely had a chance to whip out the old iPhone and snap pictures...so, this is the best I have. We love you Roach family, Willis family, Judy family, McClure family, Horner family, and Vaughn family!! Thanks for sharing your lives with us!
Hiking along the beautiful Lake Cushman. I think Anderson is a bit scared about falling into the water...oh boy!
Before I get into the Talley Table fun, I have to talk about our fun 4th of July. We had a fabulous block party in the afternoon with a kids parade, water balloon toss, and piñata. Then we BBQ'd in our back yard with Alyson and Rob. We put the kids to bed at normal time then woke them up for the fireworks show at Gasworks Park. We parked the cars at UW then hit the Burke trail and walked with the kids in the stroller. Anderson said "Mom, this is the best fireworks show I've ever seen!" Adeline didn't take her eyes off of the show for the entire 20 minutes (minus watching the obnoxiously drunk man behind us sining, really screaming, "American the Beautiful"). Very fun and really easy! And really great people watching...
Now, on with the post...Anderson and Adeline have really started interacting and playing more with each other. Anderson asks regularly "when is Adeline going to wake up so that we can play together." So fun to watch the brotherly and sisterly love. Here are some cute videos from the two of them at the table. Enjoy!
Some highlights from our trip to Colorado...enjoy!
Flew into Denver and got to spend the weekend with Tony, Renee, and their kids. Anderson calls Reece and Ava his "first friends"...miss this wonderful family but so thankful for the time we get to spend with them. Also got to see my cousin, Bobby, and meet his sweet little baby...Cooper!
Then up to Mt. Princeton Hot Springs Resort!! This was our forth time with this group...8 of the 14 DG 2010 residents and their families were able to make the trip to Princeton. When we started our residency journey there was one child and now almost everyone has children. We filled 4 cabins! Great trip and great memories!
An annual tradition...dinner at Laughing Ladies in Salida.
Started as residents in 2006, now all attending EM physicians...from left: Zach, Ben, Brad, Elijah, Andy, Nate, Matt.
Moms enjoyed a morning of pampering at the spa and adult pool while the dads took the kiddos to the pool...so awesome!
Dads enjoyed a few bike rides in the Colorado Rockies.
Isabel falling into her role as the "oldest" very well!!
So fun to watch all the kids play together. From left: Tyler, Adeline, Addison, Torch, Anderson.
After a few days at Mt Princeton, we headed to Aspen/Snowmass. It was our first time and sooooo pretty! It was really great to have some family time too. We went on a great hike (all the pictures are on Brad's phone) and some long walks, had a nice family dinner at Pyramid Bistro, shopped in Aspen, and played at a few parks.
Anderson thought this was pretty cool!
Pool time with Adeline and Daddy where we stayed at the Viceroy - Snowmass. When we turned the TV on in our condo it said "Welcome Dr. Brad Talley"...that's pretty cool! Super fancy place that we would love to go back to...without the little ones! ;)
Brad just left for a 4 hour bike ride with friends (after about 5 hours of sleep)...I know, he's crazy! But I'm so happy he gets to spend time doing what he loves and with friends! I, on the other hand, am still lounging around with the kids...doing nothing physically active. I have a weird pain in my right hip that started on Thursday at the end of a pretty easy 6 mile run. I'm so extremely paranoid about a major injury that I've decided to take the whole weekend off. It's really hard to take time off. No fun...for me!
Meanwhile, the kids and I are headed to the zoo with the Jacoby family for Shannon's birthday! Shannon and I have been friends since 7th grade. Her friendship has truly been a gift...from the first few weeks when I desperately needed a reason to feel happy and included (after moving out here abruptly from South Dakota) to the past few years as we have entered a new role in life...mommys! Shannon you are a beautiful person and perfect life long friend. Thank you for always being there!! XOXO!
Adeline absolutely loves books! On the plane ride to and from Maui, I think we read the same farm animals book about 1700 times. And she got a kick out of it every time! Yesterday at Adeline's one year well-baby exam, her doctor gave her a new book and she got super excited. She started babbling, turning pages, and pointing to pictures in the book...he was impressed...of course!! Ha! Here's a little peek at her "reading" a book...enjoy!
Oh...I tried to trim this video to the first 40 seconds or so but it wouldn't upload...gets a little boring after that...sorry.
Today was Adeline's first birthday! It's hard to believe that 12 months have gone by since she entered our lives. We had been waiting for her arrival for weeks when she finally decided that it was time. She is such a sweet girl and so very easy going. I am eager to watch her grow into a girl but hesitate to let these baby moments go!
Adeline - thank you for being a perfect compliment to our family, thank you for sleeping 12-14 hours at night, thank you for your bright smile, thank you for laughter, thank you for your slobbery kisses, thank you for all the joy that you bring to your dad, brother, and me. We love you and are so proud of you!
We had lots of fun this evening with family (Grandma Suanne, Grandma Shorty, Grandpa Mark, Grandpa Tracy, Jane, Auntie Aly, Grandma Great, Grandpa Great, Uncle Steve, Aunt Cathy, Brad, Anderson, and me) and good food! Thank to all of you for making Adeline's day so special.
Hope you enjoy these photos and videos...
About as crafty as I get... a banner with pictures from each month of Adeline's first year.
Adeline opening presents...totally comfortable taking center stage!
Enjoying some super tasty cupcakes from Trophy Cupcakes...YUM!
Had a fun day with friends at Lake Tye in Monroe. Got to run, walk, ride bikes, feed ducks, and be with friends! We feel so blessed to have a fun and energetic group of friends...even more blessed to be going through life's journey with such caring and authentic people! We love you Judy's, Horner's, Roach's, Willis's, McClure's, and Vaughn's and cherish each of our gatherings.
Anderson and Adeline had a blast and both crashed fast on the car ride home. Don't you hate it when you are so tired and all you want to do is rest your head somewhere?!? Is it cruel that Brad and I were laughing?
Last weekend, I got to go out of town to celebrate the upcoming wedding of my little sister, Alyson, with all of her friends and bridesmaids (minus older sister, Jen). When Brad and I got married Alyson was 16 years old...12 years later my little sis is all grown up and ready to start a fun and exciting journey of marriage with a great guy! Brad and I are so thrilled for the two of them and look forward to the years ahead that will no doubt be filled with raising kids together, losing to the Borrells, playing cards with the old people, vacations, and double date nights.
Last weekend, the girls stayed at the Judy Junction cabin in Plain, WA (near Leavenworth). We laughed, ate good food, drank good wine, shopped, and soaked in the sun. It was great getting to know a bunch of Alyson's friends and definitely loved spending time celebrating the soon-to-be bride. I also got to spend time reconnecting with my longest and dearest friend, Shannon. Thanks to Brad for taking the whole weekend off so that I could indulge in another girls weekend! Here are some photos from the weekend...
Alyson...looking beautiful!
Me, Alyson, and Shannon!!
Wine tasting in Leavenworth!
Oh boy...going through the 5 S's of wine tasting...I guess?!?!
Adeline is walking! She takes a few more steps each day. She probably took her first steps about 2 weeks ago and is super excited about it now. It's pretty amazing to see her go!!
I can't believe it...Adeline is almost one year! This year has really just flown by. Adeline has been a wonderful and easy addition to our family. She is a hoot! She has started walking and I'm working on uploading a video but for some reason I'm having difficulty. In the meantime, enjoy this super cute picture of our little sweetheart. She is just so much fun and I can't wait to see her personality continue to shine and develop.
On Mother's Day we last weekend we headed up to Lynden to take Brad's mom and grandma out to lunch. Grandma Hinton is 96 years young! She loves to knit and usually gives us wash clothes at Christmas time. She even made Adeline a beautiful quilt last year. When we visited last weekend, Anderson spotted her knitting needles and asked her to teach him to knit. She loved the idea and really did a great job trying to teach a 4-year-old to knit. Anderson sat and attended to her instructions for a good 30 minutes. So glad we captured this moment!