
Thursday, August 30, 2012


Childhood development is amazing!  Some of my favorite moments are the questions Anderson is asking.  Most of the time I feel like I fumble through the answers and often I say, "Let's ask your Dad about that when he gets home."  Here are some of my favorites over the past few weeks...

When talking about my job..."Why do you like to help kids learn?"
After bedtime prayers..."Mama, how does God hear us?"
While riding in the car..."What does it mean to run a car?  A car doesn't have legs!"
When looking up at a clouding night sky..."Why can't I see the moon, Mom?"
On a rainy day..."Mom, can we go back to Hawaii tomorrow?"
When playing with Adeline..."Mom, why did God pick me to be Adeline's big brother?"
To my sister, Alyson..."Auntie Aly, why don't you have any kids?"
When talking about friends, Sam (6) and Ben (4)..."When will I be older than Sam and Ben?"
After I told him our schedule for the day..."Mom, what's a genda?"
When talking about what husbands and wives are..."Why can't I marry you, Mommy?"
When taking a bath..."Mom, how do your ribs protect your lungs?"
When driving to his friends, Nolan and Logan's house..."Why do Nolan and Logan live so far away?"

Friday, August 24, 2012

Easy Adeline

Isn't it crazy how different two siblings can be??  Anderson was very motivated to move and see everything.  He was a good baby but now we realize how much more energy he had compared to other babies.  Adeline is happy to be snuggled into Mom or Dad and is not as interested in tummy time and moving around.  She is very social.  She started smiling at about 3 weeks!  It's so fun to watch her process interactions and attempt to imitate sounds.   She doesn't really ever cry or fuss except when tired or when she has a gas pain.  Even when she is hungry she usually just sucks on her hand till I feed her.  She is a great sleeper...takes great naps, sleeps 6-8 hours at night, and falls right asleep when I lay her down awake.  We feel very blessed!!  Here is some video of's not too exciting but I want to get some early video of her so that we can remember what she was doing at this age (2 1/2 months).

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Anderson Turns 3

Ok so I know I'm a little late and I haven't posted anything for almost a year but I have new resolve to post at least once per month.  As a start, I have a few things I want to post from the past 10 months or so...

Anderson turned 3 years old on February 9, 2012!!  I asked him a list of questions that I intend on asking him every year.  We did not go over the questions before I started filming and for the most part I hadn't asked these questions before (except for maybe "What's your teacher's name?").  Here is the video...can't wait to see how his answers change as he gets older.

Sweet Adeline

So part of my new resolve to post more often is due to the birth of our daughter, Adeline Ruth Talley!  She was born on June 3, 2012.  She has been a blessing to our family.  The adjustment from having one child to two children has been really easy because Adeline is such a great baby!  She sleeps well, eats well, and smiles all the time.  Anderson absolutely loves her and can't seem to get close enough to her when she is awake.  Here are some photos from the past couple of months...enjoy!

Adeline - 1 week
Wrapped in a blanket that my dear friend, Shannon, had made especially for her!
Adeline - 1.5 weeks
This hat is from my Aunt Cindy's sweet!

Adeline - 2 week
Snuggling with Anderson on the couch...

Two tired kiddos...

Adeline - 2 months

Adeline - 2 months
Beautiful blue eyes...I wonder if she'll keep them??

Adeline 2.5 months
She loves playing on the mat with her big brother...we are working on being  calm and slow when he is with her on the mat!