
Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I've been trying to get back into running like I was before Anderson...I've done a pretty good job but I don't get to run as much as I used to and somehow the extra 30 minutes of sleep sound much better in the morning than hitting pavement. I did run in the huge 10K BoulderBoulder race last month and finished with a PR! I was pretty excited.
Anderson is getting the running bug too...he found my shoes in the closet and put them on all by himself...then, came stumbling out of our room. I grabbed the video camera as quick as possible...sorry for the wobbly nature of the video.

Body Parts

You must think Anderson spends all of his time in the bathtub based on all of the bath time videos I post. However, its really one of the only times I can capture his full attention so it turns out to be a great place to capture videos as well. Anderson has known quite a few body parts for awhile now but he's been adding to the ones he know almost weekly. He's currently working on butt!!