Anderson has been so excited about hats lately. It started when we were up in Winter Park for the weekend a couple of weeks ago. Anyway, here's is a cute video of him checkin' himself out in the mirror and likin' what he sees!
Also, just a quick update on what Anderson is doing (developmentally). Obviously he's walking (and practically running) and has been for about a month and a half. He is also starting to stack duplos, loves to turn pages in books with a nice pincer grasp, pushes his cars around, and throws and chases after a ball. He is drinking from a sippy cup...we said bye-bye to bottles a couple of weeks ago now we are down to just a couple of ounces of milk at night from a bottle. He will also go to the kitchen and bring me a snack if he is hungry or drag his high chair across the hope I'd get a clue, right? He says quite a few words including mama, dada, bella (that's the favorite right now), hat/hot (sounds the same), ball, balloon (sound very similar to bella), and baba. Its so fun and exciting when kids start really communicating with you!